I had the honor to talk about Philippine Labor Laws at the Graduation Enhancement Program of the Asian College of Technology yesterday for their Computer Science & ICT graduating class for Sem. 1 SY 2010-2011. I would have wanted to talk about the topic in a more in-depth manner but sadly ,there wasn't enough time as I was but one of three speakers for the half-day activity. ACT is known mainly as a technological school specializing in ICT courses here Cebu City. The reason why I personally would have wanted to talk more deeply about Labor Laws is that most graduates are thrust on to the real world as potential members of the labor force with hardly an inkling on what their rights as employees are.
Be that as it may, my short talk proved rather interesting. They had so many questions about conditions of work, labor standards and the safeguards under the law about their rights as potential employees. I mainly talked about unemployment rates, sources of labor laws, and a very brief overview on labor standards and conditions of work. I could see that they had a lot of questions and I do hope that the short talk I gave them would lead them to research more on the matter.
Basic labor laws should really be part of the curriculum for undergraduate studies just like that horrid Rizal Course that seems to have lost all sense of potency with the way how our society operates now. Labor laws should be taught during a college student's final year in school so that they will be vigilant of their rights once they enter the labor force. Sadly, I do not see that happening. I am honored that I was able to talk to these graduating students about the law and hope that through the short talk I gave them, they will be interested to learn more and research on the topics I have given them as they look for jobs or seek higher studies here in the Philippines and in abroad.
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